
Simplified Summary inserting into excerpt and other places

Replies: 1

We are having two issues with simplified summaries. The first is that the summaries are inserting themselves into the excerpt area in blog post lists on the front end. The second issue is that the first summary we entered in Accessibility Checker inserted itself into places like the end of some forms or code modules in the editing window of multiple pages and posts. When I delete the summary from AC, it goes away. This does not show on the front end. It seems like it was popping up at the end of items with warnings like an embedded MailChimp signup form.

We’ve removed the summaries from AC are are adding them directly into the post body instead. Maybe this is a theme or plugin conflict. We were wondering if you’ve seen this before or if you have any suggestions to remedy. The theme is Divi. WordPress 6.6.2. All software is up to date.

We love Accessibility Checker. It’s really helping us work on our accessibility features. Thank you for all the work you have put into this plugin.

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