
Completely broken

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We were using this plugin to protect the Comments form, and like many other people, we were getting tons of spam by bots regardless. And that’s not because Google Recaptcha v3 itself is that bad, or because spambots have learnt how to bypass it, but because the plugin is fundamentally broken.

Its authors clearly don’t even understand how Google Recaptcha v3 works. For more details see my post in the forum (apparently we are not supposed to include links in reviews?).

Basically the plugin completely ignores the score given by Google that tells you how likely the submission is to come from a human or a bot, and lets through everything.

Oh, and that was prior to the latest update (version 1.23). The latest version has a bug in the JavaScript code that, instead, causes ALL submissions to be rejected with a recaptcha error. That’s a lot of fun if you enabled the Recaptcha for the login form! (clarification: that means you’ll be unable to log in to your website).

So it went from “completely useless” to “will brick your website”.

How this has more than 100k installations is beyond my understanding.

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