
Adding class to html element doest not open customiser

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So I created a custom dark and light theme functionality in your theme and it is working fine in local version but when I move this site live and try to open customiser to edit css i get this error
The theme directory "dark"(or "light" in some cases) does not exist.

Which makes me think maybe added classes to your theme html element is causing some issues…

I tried changing class names from dark-theme to mode-dark e.t.c
I also tried this code but nothing changed

// Handle customizer loading function fix_customizer_theme_redirect() {
if (is_customize_preview()) {
add_filter('stylesheet', function() { return 'kadence'; });
add_filter('template', function() { return 'kadence'; }); }
add_action('init', 'fix_customizer_theme_redirect');

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