
Product ID query

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Description: Hi – the product ID on the staging website we’re creating – https://staging.moeducation.co.uk/ are different on the live site https://moeducation.co.uk/ – is there a reason why this has happened for the exact same product?

Attached Files: https://my.elementor.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/gravity_forms/31-377f6c2d16b7b2ca0a733933bd8d2da2/2024/10/Live-site.jpghttps://my.elementor.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/gravity_forms/31-377f6c2d16b7b2ca0a733933bd8d2da2/2024/10/system-info-staging.moeducation.co_.uk-07-10-2024.txt

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