
Number of links not detecting manually added links

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Hi, thanks for creating the plugin. Overall, it’s excellent!

I’m using the plugin to add internal links to old neglected blog posts, but I’m having a bit of an issue with the “Number of links” setting. I’ve got this set to “1” and can see it doesn’t attempt to automate the same link more than once, which is great. However, it’s not detecting if a link has already been added manually, which results in duplicates.

Take this post for example: https://opace.agency/blog/magento-designers-ecommerce-success

It already links to https://opace.agency/services/ecommerce/magento-web-design-development using the anchor “Magento web designers” – this must have been added manually back in 2013 but the plugin is now adding another link to the same URL using “Magento designers”.

Obviously, we want to avoid this as it looks like link spamming. Sadly, our older posts suffer from both under linking and excessive linking, but this just makes the excessive linking issue worse.

Hopefully I’m just missing something?

Thanks in advance!

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