
WP Travel Engine Integration | WordPress.org


Using WP Travel Engine’s WooCommerce Payments Plugin. It changes the plugin’s default booking behavior to WC’s checkout process. The booking checkout is now managed by WC. The WPTE mentioned I need WooCommerce support for my particular questions. Curious about a couple of things.

  • I’m using WP Travel Engine partial payment add-on. It let’s folks pay a percentage up front with email reminder at a future date to pay the balance. Now that I’m using WC checkout process for the booking, will that same partial payment functionality work? If not, is there a way to provide that as an option again?
  • Regarding the email reminder, since emails will be generated from WC and not the WP Travel Engine Plugin, is there a way to set-up balance due/payment reminder emails in WC?

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این مطلب از سایت انجمن وردپرس گردآوری شده است و کلیه حقوق مطلق به انجمن وردپرس می باشد در صورت مغایرت و یا بروز مشکل اطلاع دهید تا حذف گردد

منبع: انجمن وردپرس

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