
Google Maps security notification | WordPress.org

Received a Google Maps security notification yesterday titled “[Security Alert]: Polyfill.io Issue for Google Maps Platform users” — is that a concern for this plugin? Here’s what it said:

We have become aware of a security issue that may be affecting websites using specific third-party libraries (including polyfill.io). This issue can sometimes redirect visitors away from the intended website without website owner knowledge or permission, or potentially cause other malicious behavior. Many of the Maps JavaScript API samples in the Developer Documentation previously included a polyfill.io script declaration. We have removed this from those samples. If you have used the Maps JavaScript API samples that contain this declaration, we recommend removing the declaration.

  1. Investigate your website: Check your website’s code to see if you’re loading any compromised libraries (including polyfill.io).
  2. Remove or replace the code: If you find compromised libraries, consider:
    • Hosting a clean, secure version of the code yourself
    • Switching to an alternative library or provider
    • Removing the library if you don’t need it
  3. Re-deploy your code through your regular process.

The Google Maps Platform Team


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