
Linking WordPress to Kualo & Siteground

James Huff


Volunteer Moderator

WordPress is just software you install on a hosting provider, and all WordPress sites are self-contained, so in short, yes. 🙂

Under Siteground, you have two options:

  1. Use their installer: https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/wordpress/installation/ (their support can help with that)
  2. Install manually: https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/before-install/howto-install/ (we can help with that)

I recommend the first option. 😉

thanks. how do i setup multisite?

James Huff


Volunteer Moderator

If you have 1 site elsewhere, and 1 site on Siteground, you won’t need Multisite.

Multisite is only for multiple sites served from the same WordPress installation on the same server.

If you’re going to have multiple sites under Siteground on the same server, then follow this guide: https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/multisite/create-network/

And, here’s a video tutorial if you prefer that: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/introduction-to-wordpress-multisite-networks/

Thanks James,

I want to use wordpress to design both sites. but one will be on SG and one on Kualo.

James Huff


Volunteer Moderator

Then you’ll have one WordPress installation on each hosting provider, not multisite. 🙂

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