
Categories for each timeslot | WordPress.org

I make an event into my WP Timetable, but cant figure out a problem.

I have different class categories for each room at the gym. Ex: Room1, Room2, Room3 but many of the the class is used in every categories, but in different hours at the day and different days at the week.

If I make a class, let’s call it Spinning45 I could select category for. the class, but not for the timeslot.

I make timeslot for the class.
At Monday at 6pm and Friday 7pm the class will be in Room1, and Wednesday and Sunday the class is 8pm in Room2.
I make a class with timeslots Mon 6pm, Fri 7p, Wed 8pm and Sun 8pm, but I cant split what category / room they belongs to.

If I make a page now and select class Spinning45 it will show all for days / hours the class.Instead of having very many different classes with same names and lots of classes to edit it would be nice to have an option to set the category for each timeslot inside the class.

That I could make one class, add different timeslots with different categories in one class.
When I then make a page an insert wp timetable and choose a category then it picks and show the right timeslots from classes.

  • This topic was modified 3 minutes ago by bjovaar.

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